Sunday, August 08, 2010

Will is almost two months old

It is amazing really how fast things are happening. I thought I had better keep a log of things to help me remember all that we would want to about this time in our lives.

First of all, the photos and movies are in the usual places, I keep them up to date a little bit more often than this blog.

So, on on to things I want to remember.

- rolling from front to back at nine days old, I think he could have done it younger but I was too worried as a brand new parent to put him on his front :-)
- first smile on camera at six weeks old exactly, he had smiled before but it is difficult to catch
- at six weeks old Will was 12 lb 1 oz
- at seven and a bit weeks Will has started trying to talk to us quite often, he had made noises at us before but we did not think he was deliberately responding

All of this is great, but Nicky is still definitely having a hard time, he still wants to feed hourly, and fights sleep all day long when he really could do with getting a bit more.

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