Monday, September 20, 2004

Ntombi blog

In the absence of an Ntombi blogger/wiki, (bliki), cos Positive Internet are either on holiday, sick, or maybe just a bit slow, here is a progress update on projects.

Mexico, Architecture company website - not looking good, our friend has let us down by not staying in contact, and it seems he no longer wants to be associated with us, (a shame really). A double blow because he was the graphic designer.

Dorset Youth Orchestra - evaluating their budget, will have an answer in the next month - Herbert informed me they still want it done.

My contact from work - I have sent an email to my contact, and am awaiting a reply, fingers crossed.

Bertie new graphic designer contact - Bert has been networking, and has got a possibility for some freelance work from a friend of his, well done Bert.

Lets hope something comes up soon.

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