Monday, February 19, 2007

Well, back from Dubai.. boo, there's no sun here

Nicky and I just got back from our holiday in Dubai, see pictures at Flickr. We had a great time staying with our friends Tina and Kent. If the rent were a little cheaper, and there were more footpaths I would be out there to live in a flash, (12 months of sunshine).

So now its back to the UK, and getting the house ready to put on the market and on going career change trauma.. oh why is life never easy?

On the up side, I bought myself a Nintendo DS and it is great fun, looking to get more than just the one game though, only have Brain Age or whatever its called.

On the other up side Supreme Commander should be joining my collection of PC games tomorrow if all goes according to plan :-)


Ray said...

Seen the photos...looks like you had a fab time! Roll on Cenre Parcs now!!!

Ray said...

Saw the photos - looks like you had a great time - roll on centre parcs now!!