Saturday, April 30, 2011

It was a very happy day today, Will is walking now!

Today was excellent, sunny, warm, and full of new activities and adventure for Will. For about a week or just over Will has been trying to walk, a few steps at a time towards either Nicky or I, today he took it all the way, repeatedly walking unaided to one of us, and at one point even from one piece of furniture to another, slow and kind of steady :-)

I will try to get a video of him tottering, although it is pretty difficult to catch as it is so spur of the moment.

He has no fear and is doing really well for 10.5 months old. He also started to put the hoops on the hoopla game, rather than just taking them off the whole time.

Next up will be teaching him to point :-) Always got to set the little guy goals!

We are going to have a BBQ tomorrow, hopefully the garden is level enough for him to do some more tottering on.

Its been a great couple of weekends, excepting the stomach bug which hit the family last weekend, sunshine, seeing family and we went to Lacock Abbey again for my birthday on Monday just gone. It was a magical day.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Nine months of Will

It is strange to think that Will has been outside the womb now for as long as he was in. It has certainly gone quicker on the outside :-) Our little lad is now:

- crawling properly (everywhere)
- cruising on all the furniture and from person to person
- balancing for a few seconds at a time stood up unsupported (sometimes clapping while he does so)
- climbing the stairs (supervised)
- climbing anything he can like furniture
- walking around pushing his walker
- starting to wave goodbye

He has also been for a ride on his trike (on mothers day). He loves exciting new things, people and places. He always wants to have fun.

New nicknames include:

- Wilberoo
- Barbary Ape

It is always fun coming home and reading him his bed time stories.

Sleep deprivation is still a problem most of the time, usually because of colds coughs etc, we are never far between some reason for him to just be a duff sleeper. Can't be long now till he sleeps better.