Monday, November 15, 2004

My Crazy Dreams

Dreams, I don't usually remember them, but sometimes, they are just so strange, you can't help but remember them!

Last night I dreamed that people were sewing extra arms on to kill people with, and there were puppies from hell with cloudy dead eyes, who had mouths on their stomachs with vicious teeth, I was trying to kill them with a spade!

This made me remember a dream from a few years ago where I was running round on an island and there were some nuns on a hilltop with a cannon shooting at me.

Which made me remember a dream from before that where I was crucified under water by a cat.

Which in turn made me remember a dream where my friend from school was a changeling, in the form of a video cassete, trying to murder me.

Anyway, thats enough for now, suffice it to say my imagination runs riot when I am asleep sometimes.

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